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Monday, July 13, 2009


Well, the visit with my inlaws wasn't terrible - I didn't hate every minute of it. But I am still annoyed that they don't have to give us notice and feel entitled to come anytime they wish. It makes me feel like my life isn't important and my things are not important but their things are important.

It breaks my heart also because my kids love their grandparents. My daughter loves to show off any new skills or things she has learned- she loves to play with them and spend time with them. And they just want to talk to my hubby. Okay, I get it, he is your son and you love him. can talk to him after the kids go to bed. Am I the only one who thinks it is silly that they would not hear my poor daughter saying 'watch this" (over and over again because her grandparents are not responding to her) while they talk about a stupid tree or flower?? Priorities people- priorities! Pay attention to the 4 foot person who loves you unconitionally because you are her grandparents- give her some time and attention.

Anyway- visit over, family picnic over, and now back to life as I usually know it.



Foursons said...

Sigh. Why must some adults be so braindead?

Mommy Vent said...

that is so annoying! isn't it funny that we have the opposite issues with our in-laws?