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Sunday, July 12, 2009

And the visit went...

OK... I guess. There weren't any tears (from me). There was no OMG I'm going to scream moments. Typical to them, they showed up around 4pm, knowing we said we were planning to go to the grocery store when they got here to get the stuff to make dinner. But, by the time they unpack and do everything it's 4:45 or later and my boys usually eat by 5:30 at the latest... yeah we are not going to the grocery store now then coming home to make dinner... ok plan B. Lets get Italian. Ok what do you want to get? "I don't have an opinion"... next breath "But I'd really like to get chicken parm" HELLLOOOO that is an opinion!!! Ok they decide they want subs, I look at R and say, so what else are we getting, B won't eat that. So we ended up with 2 subs and a pizza.

They still favor B over C which drives me CRAZYYYY. It was a bit better this time. They did spend time with C, but it feels so forced to me. The dote on B, and they struggle to interact with C. Now, yes C is 13 months, but he lovesss life. C loves to have people read to him. He loves to play with cars, dance, jump around, and do anything to get love and attention. C is my happy go lucky little guy. I don't get it. I don't understand why they want to give all their attention to B. Yes, B is a lot of fun, and very interactive. B will demand attention, but come one you have TWO grandsons.

The biggest thing that drives me nuts (besides the favoritism) is the fact that they don't leave B alone at all. They follow him around and he gets undiveded attention the whole time they are here. This is not possible when they aren't here, nor is it a good thing in my opinion. My boys know how to play alone, they know how to play together and they get time with R, time with me and time with both of us. These are all skills they need in order to function. When my in-laws leave B struggles with the playing without being entertained part. He thinks he needs people to do things for him since they do whatever he wants whenever he wants... grrrrr!



Foursons said...

Glad to hear it's over with and you go through it in one piece. Now to just work on getting the kiddos back into a routine.

Pam said...

well, at least there were no tears, I guess. I'm sorry they continue ith the awful! And I would be frustrated too about the whole follow B around- you work hard to get your kids into a routine and don't need them messing it up.