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Thursday, July 16, 2009


Our last full day on vacation didn't get so well. My child wasn't the happiest. But I was dealing with it. Until....
After his nap, my son was getting a little antsy being stuck in a small room. The husband was sleeping, so I figured I would take him out in the hallway to let him run around.
I stepped out into the hallway and I see MIL with my nephew, taking him back to his room. Here, she decided to take him to give BIL and g friend a break so they could nap.
Hmmm. Wasn't I the run who was up at the butt crack of dawn? Wasn't I the one who had a very cranky child we all witnessed all morning?
It's good they needed a break.
I shouldn't even let it bother me anymore. But I do.



Foursons said...

Argh. I'm frustrated for you. I despise favortism.

Messy Mommy said...

I'm so sorry! That is very frustrating!

Mommy Vent said...

that is so frustrating!