Do you ever have one of those moments where you really need to blog about something, but you can't? Do you ever wish no one you knew was reading your blog? Well if you answered yes to either of those questions then this blog is for you! Read what the contributers post and reflect on that or send Mommy Vent your OMG story and she will post it for you... without anyone knowing who you are. What could be better??

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Monday, July 6, 2009

Not Me Monday

This week's Not Me Monday, is brought to you by Mrs. BlogginFromTheEdge.
Props to McMomma for kicking off this bloggy fun, so be sure to pop over to My Charming Kids and check out all the other great Not Me Monday posts.

1. I bet there are terrible mommies who would bribe their child with diet soda and/or chewing gum to get them to quiet down in the grocery store, but I'd never resort to such measures.

2. I would never shave my son's head near bald just so I could space haircuts farther apart and save some money. That's just frugal meets mean.

3. Because I am such a devoted wife, I'd never give my DH the cold shoulder because he doesn't want me to get an IPhone. Never ever.

4. And only some cruel mean mommy would add some water to her son's bedtime cup of milk becuase she was running low and was too tired and lazy to trek out to the store for some more....surely not me.

5. And you'd be totally wrong to think I purposefully put boiled egg in my potato salad this weekend just becuase I know it grosses my MIL out. Nope, that would be bad hostess manners. I assure you, it was a complete mistake. Slipped my mind.

Well I hope you all are just as classy and sophisticated and would never be guilty of any of the above either! Happy Monday!



Pam said...

sounds like we would get along just great in real life ;)

Simply Donna...... said...

ohhh! #5 is so me, but I would never do anything like that.

Amanda P. said...

I love #5! I've never purposely made sweet potato casserole on Thanksgiving because I know my MIL really loves candied yams and despises "southern" food on Thanksgiving....I'd never, ever do that!

Foursons said...

OMG- I think I just found my new BFF! You need one right? I am totally following you now and figuring out how to post about my family so that they don't know. Genius!

Shannon said...

What a fantastic idea! I have only read this post but I will be back, for sure!!! I love the boiled egg trick, haha!