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Thursday, July 23, 2009


While on vacation, I was hoping that some of our (hubby and mine) parenting skills (the good ones) would rub off on the BIL and g-friend.
It backfired!
I feel like I am regressing! They are the ones who rubbed off on me!
The other day, I was out and I reached in my diaper bag, THERE WERE NO DIAPERS. (at least I did have a diaper bag, right?) On another day, I didn't have an extra change of clothes when one was neeeded!
I truly felt like an idiot and a bad parent.
Now, all the diaper bags (the whole 2 that we use) are fully stocked with ample supplies. Plus, I have put an extra outfit in my car.
Please pray I get my brain back in order! :)


1 comment:

Mommy Vent said...

happens to the best of us, ok and the worst, but still

don't compare yourself to them... at least you realized it was an issue