Do you ever have one of those moments where you really need to blog about something, but you can't? Do you ever wish no one you knew was reading your blog? Well if you answered yes to either of those questions then this blog is for you! Read what the contributers post and reflect on that or send Mommy Vent your OMG story and she will post it for you... without anyone knowing who you are. What could be better??

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Friday, July 10, 2009

Aloha Friday (week 5)

Thanks to Kailani at An Island Life for starting this fun for Friday. Please be sure to head over to her blog to say hello and sign the Mr. Linky there if you are participating.

In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So I thought that on Fridays I would take it easy on posting, too. Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.

If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link below. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!

This week's question is: Do you have a guest bedroom in your house?

When we first bought this house we did. We had a queen size bed, bureau and all that set for guests. Now that we have two kids that room has been taken over by our gym equipment as well as being the boys playroom. When my in-laws come up for the weekend they now have to bring their own air mattress... but it doesn't stop them!



Sky said...

We did before Miss Pea arrived. Now, guest are just out of luck! LOL, they stay in my son's room and he rides the couch.

kimert said...

Nope! But when guests (aka Grammy or Grandpa) come to visit we kick my daughter out of her room and let them bunk there!

Kimmie said...

With 4 kids? Hahaha!! ;) My AF

Brandi said...

No. Our guest bedroom is the pull out couch bed.

MediMonsters said...


Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

Nope, no guest bedroom here, but when we have company from out of town, we set up our travel trailer for them. I think this works even better. They have their own bathroom, living area and comfy bed. If they have kids, they have their own bed too and they do not have to feel bad if there is midnight wakings. We usually throw waters and snacks in the refrigerator for them. They even have their own television with direct tv and DVD player.

Elle said...

Nope, no guest room. In fact we're building refinishing the basement and adding another bedroom.

Love your blog name!

Foursons said...

HA! To bad that the air mattress threat doesn't hold its weight. Darn, I'm gonna have to think of something else to use for my "you're not welcome here" excuse.

Pam said...

yes and no. We have an extra bedroom that guests may use- but when we have my step kids here, then we do not have an extra bedroom because the kids sleep in there. Though the times that my step kids are here and my inlaws are here- my hubby makes the kids sleep in one room (kids on the floor and couch in the basement) and his parents take the 'extra' room.

Drahdrah said...

Sort of. It's a room that's turned into a giant closet of sorts that has a bed in it. If I have a guest, I transfer all the junk to the basement to make it "livable".

Becca said...

While my sister was in Israel last year we used her room as a guest room but in general, no. I wish we did though!

Amy said...

We do have a guest room, although I'm sure one of these days one of our kids will take it. It has 2 twin beds, and is usually used as the spot where I fold (aka dump) my laundry. Hubs family lives out of state, so he feels pretty strongly that we NEED a guest room. I on the other hand, think we could just make them sleep on an air mattress in the living room.

Anonymous said...

we do when we kick the kids out of their room when guests stay over. :)

Mrs. M said...

Yes, we have a dedicated guest room. We just moved here about a year ago, and it's nice to have the extra bedroom.

Linda said...

I don't think that we've every had a functioning guest room - we do have no problem making room for guests tho'. :)
Have a great weekend!
Robin - a nana blog