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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

When are you coming down?

R called his parents last night to tell his dad about something he read in a magazine... typical reason for him to call kind of thing. They were asking about his job, which had been CRAZY busy for April and May. And, other typical parent type phone conversation things. I was only privy to one side of the conversation which is fine with me (o:

R. casually mentioned that we'd booked our hotel for our anniversary trip... one night away for the two of us. Then yet again, his mother put the guilt on about us going down there this summer. We have straight up told her that we are planning to visit over the summer, but we haven't figure out when yet. R again told her... yes we will visit this summer, but we haven't figured this out yet. I muttered under my breath... and if you keep pushing it the answer will change to no we aren't coming down!

The thing that drives me crazy about this is when they come up here we are lucky to get a week's notice and they don't ask if they can come up... they just tell us they are coming. Why do we have to give them notice if they don't have to give it to us? My guess is they are hoping that we come early and then they can try to guilt us into coming down again... yeah NOOOOO!


Pam said...

I hear ya! I don't understand why it isn't a two way street. We often get a phone call the day before a visit but get asked for months when we will come up to them. ???? I hope when I am a mother-in-law I will be so much better than our in-laws!

Five Moms & A Blog said...

Ditto over here but it is with MY parents...sometimes, I just wanna strangle them!!! ;) Thanks for letting me vent on that one too...oh yeah and for stopping by the 5 moms today!


BlogginFromTheEdge said...

Argh thats gotta be annoying. We are kinda lucky in this area. JBs family is close enough to visit and not have to stay over and my family...well they just dont visit. And trust me, I like it that way. lol