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Tuesday, June 9, 2009


As a child, I realized at an early age that my brother was favored over me by my grandparents. I tried to get their attention by going out of my way to do things to impress them, but yeah it never worked. As I grew older I realized it was so not worth my effort or the frustration... so I just grew away from them. To this day I do not really get along with my grandparents. I felt very little when my grandmother passed away a few years ago and still don't look back on this with regret.

I am now a mother of two little boys B who is 2.5 yrs and C who is 1. My in-laws were up this weekend to celebrate C's birthday. This visit solidified a feeling I've had since he was born... in they favor my older son. I have seen them one more than one occasion walk away from C to play with B. They have left C in a room alone because B has walked out to go do something else. They choose to play with B and C gets left out quite often.

This kills me. My husband sees it too, but we aren't sure what to say to his parents about it. I know that in time I will say something because I know what it feels like to be the child who is left out. I know how hard it is to see your sibling get all the attention and love.

I am not analyzing each moment spent. I'm not comparing time together... I'm looking at quality. I'm looking at the love displayed and the respect given. I just want C to be treated fairly. I just want him to feel loved.

My two sons are very different... but they are BOTH loving and caring children who deserve to be loved and respected by their family.

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