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Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

So... who has a story to share about the drama of Father's Day?

Not me, we stayed home. My parents came over to pick up some stuff they needed. They didn't give us much notice, but they only stayed about an hour, and since they live 45 min away they actually spent more time on the road then here so at least it wasn't us doing the driving I guess.

R called his parents, but we called while the boys were awake... so they were more interested in talking to B than us. Or should I say mimicking B. B has some major articulation issues and most people can't/won't/don't understand what he is saying. They think it is ok to just copy what he is saying and go on from there... yeah NOOOO!

So did anything interesting happen with your family for father's day? Here's your chance to vent and get it off your chest... type as much as you need. Our blog is your blog... post away!


Five Moms & A Blog said...

Our Father's Day (on Sunday) was rather boring. But we celebrated on Saturday by swimming, jumping out of trees, hiking through a drainage ditch, going bowling, and doing Happy Dances. Guess you'll have to go to my personal blog for the pictoral evidence. =0)

In the meantime, yes, I'm thankful that God is helping us mothers and looking out for our little ones even when the human side of us fails!!! =0)


E @ Scottsville said...

Here I am from my personal blog in case you want to find me. =0)

Erica (again)

*Chrisie* said...
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