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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Phone guilt

I got a phone call last night from my mother-in-law. She was calling to ask me something related to her job.. yeah like I care?? Anyway... She ended the conversation by putting on this fake sappy voice and telling me how much she would appreciate it if I would find some time this summer to bring the boys down for a visit. I told her it was in the works, but that didn't seem to be good enough for her. She continued to go on and tell me how she would teach my boys to swim and other stuff.

Yes, I know they would like us to visit, but their house is not kid friendly nor is there really any place for the 4 of us to stay. The last time we went there, for Thanksgiving, my husband and I slept on couches so that B and C could each have a room to themselves since they've never slept together and C wasn't sleeping through that night at the time. The room that C slept in, we could NOT let B sleep in because it is so messy there is no way they could clean it up enough for their to be a place for B to sleep and not get in trouble for touching everything. Even if hubby and I didn't sleep on the couches there is only a futon in his room and it is soooo uncomfortable to sleep on... or we could sleep on an air mattress... yeah still not comfortable. So neither of us gets a decent night sleep when we are there. Oh and a 3 hour car drive with a 1 year old and a 2 year old... yeah do you see why we don't go there often??

Don't you just hate guilt trips??

1 comment:

Pam said...

that sounds like a bad situation! When we got visit my inlaws, I feel like the kids get in trouble for touching everything- I just want to scream then put it away, you know they are little! And there are not many place for all of us to sleep. I don't like the visit there. But then they make us feel guilty for not coming more. I get upset by that too because they could come here- we have a bedroom for them to stay in and they could see the kid without all the fuss at their house. yet there things take priority over the grandkids and they don't come visit.

Sorry! That was quite a rant on my part! We are going to visit them at the end of the month- I must be alrady starting to dread it!