Now what would cause someone to want to walk all that way home you ask? Well, in a nut shell- it is my MIL. She is the mother of my husband and for that- I love her. But I don't like living in her space. She is very controlling and it is very hard to keep things the way she wants them- especially when there is a 2 year old involved. Every 5 minutes I would hear her tell R "no- that is a look, don't touch". He is 2- you have to let him touch something! And every single thing that was out of place- "oh, R must have been playing with...." Okay- yeah, some of it he did play with, but, he is 2. He is curious and learning. Some of the things he was accused of playing with, there is no way he could reach- he is only 3 feet tall after all. And I was watching him. (so to help make me feel better- I let Riley pee in their grass all week!)
The other thing that drove me nuts with her was that poor A was so excited to visit and do things with her. And my MIL kept promising to do things - like bake cookies, paint, make applesauce- so A would ask to do those things and MIL would tell her not now- I'm tired or I have things to do. Okay- so don't promise to do stuff with her if you are not going to follow through. And, you wanted us to visit- so actually visit and play with the kids. Finally- you are only tired because you are busy running around doing crazy things that don't need to be done.
I was really upset the day she undermined my authority with my kids too. She made a dessert everyday (one of the not necessary things that made her too tired!). One day we didn't have a brand new dessert, but she was about to offer the leftovers from the day before. I stepped in and said that we have had big desserts all week and we would be fine with a hershey kiss or piece of candy- we were not going to have dessert that night. So my MIL starts talking to one of my teenage step-kids about how they can have the dessert after the little ones leave so they won't see. Uhm- NO! I just said we are not having dessert. How dare you go against my wishes when I have run around like a crazy person keeping everyone from touching all the things you don't want touched, not letting them run or jump in the house (yeah, like that happens with 6 kids and one of the 6 kids is only 2!), and every other thing she wanted done.
Another thing that bothered me was that she made plans for one of my stepkids while we were there to have an art lesson. While I am grateful for the opportunity for my stepdaghter- she didn't ask us or include us in the decision making process. As a matter of fact- she didn't even tell us about it until I saw a note laying on the counter with a date/time on it and asked. Then- she expected us to figure out how to get her picked up from the lesson because they had other plans they had to take care of a that time. What?? No- you scheduled this, you dd this without asking me, you deal with it.
Okay- I could go on and go- after all 9 days is a LONG time to be with inlaws- but I think I got enough off my chest to just let the rest go! Thanks for the free therapy all!
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